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Computational technique of thermal comparative examination of Cu and Au nanoparticles suspended in sodium alginate as Sutterby nanofluid via extending PTSC surface
Wasim Jamshed, Rabia Safdar, Zulfiqar Rehman, Maha M. A. Lashin, Mohamed Ehab, Mohamed Moussa and Aysha Rehman Journal of Applied Biomaterials & Functional Materials 20 (2022)
A Comparative Thermal Performance Assessment of Various Solar Collectors for Domestic Water Heating
Ali Raza Kalair, Mehdi Seyedmahmoudian, Muhammad Shoaib Saleem, et al. International Journal of Photoenergy 2022 1 (2022)
Calorimetric testing of solar thermal absorbers for high vacuum flat panels
Carmine D'Alessandro, Davide De Maio, Antonio Caldarelli, Marilena Musto, Francesco Di Giamberardino, Matteo Monti, Teresa Mundo, Emiliano Di Gennaro, Roberto Russo and Vittorio G. Palmieri Solar Energy 243 81 (2022)
Simulator testing of evacuated flat plate solar collectors for industrial heat and building integration