Pfeiffer Vacuum

Pfeiffer Vacuum

Pfeiffer Vacuum stands for innovative and custom vacuum solutions worldwide, technological perfection, competent advice and reliable service. With the invention of the turbopump, the company paved the way for further development within the vacuum industry. Pfeiffer Vacuum offers a complete product portfolio: backing pumps, leak detectors, measurement and analysis devices, components as well as vacuum chambers and systems.

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+49 (0) 6641 802-0
Berliner Strasse 43
35614 Asslar, Germany

Markets served: Vacuum / Test and Measurement

Thyracont Vacuum Instruments

Thyracont Vacuum Instruments

As an internationally successful company, Thyracont Vacuum Instruments GmbH has been developing and producing intelligent vacuum gauges "Made in Germany" for more than 50 years.
With new technologies and patented product innovations Thyracont time and again sets standards as regards functionality, precision and reliability. Many years of know-how enable customers to efficiently integrate digital vacuum gauges into their overall vacuum systems gaining additional benefit for the users. Being specialists in vacuum metrology, we engage today in your technological lead of tomorrow.

This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
+49 851 95986 0
Max-Emanuel-Str. 10
94036 Passau, Germany

Markets served: Test and measurement / sensors / life science / Analytics and R&D / Coating / Semiconductor